Thursday, April 26, 2012

Aqua Therapy and Caudal Injection

I had my first Aqua PT appointment today. It was a nice experience compared to traditional methods. The pool, that is similar to a spa, is approx. 10x5 feet and 7 feet deep. They put a float around your waist and place you in a lift. The lift places you in the water and the platform submerges until you begin to float. Once you are floating, you hold the side bars and do the exercises as they instruct you. It still wore me out and I sleep for 4 hours when I returned home.

I just got a call from the Pain Management Office asking to reschedule my injection that was supposed to be done this week. They could only fit me in on the 4th and now needed to reschedule for the 15th. I told them not to schedule it until I talk to my primary pain MD. I am afraid that it will make the pain worse when the lidocane wears off. And they say the Canadian Medical System is worse... I doubt it.

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